X Plane 11 Freeware Airplanes
- Published on Feb 2, 2018
- Other 'Amazing Freeware Aircraft' Videos:
Part 1: ru-clip.com/video/I74Bdksx6OE/video.html
Part 2: ru-clip.com/video/8Oervvqe0IE/video.html
Part 4: ru-clip.com/video/Re6EY0PhQII/video.html
(00:00) 10. Gulfstream G-IV SP : forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/37010-gulfstream-g-iv-sp-v11/
(00:59) 9. Let L-410 / Turbolet : forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/22160-let-l-410-for-x-plane-1051/
XP11 version in development: forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/forums/topic/75675-let-l-410-uvp-e-turbolet/&page=7&tab=comments#comment-1229115
(01:52) 8. H-145: forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/37080-h145-rescue-version-v3/
(02:37) 7. Dewoitine D520: xpfr.org/?body=aero_accueil&av=70
(03:37) 6.Yakovlev Yak-55: forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/40784-yakovlev-yak-55-by-nda/
(03:53) 5. P.180 Avanti II: forums.x-pilot.com/files/file/1081-p180-avanti-ii/
(04:57) 4. Timber61 - Bell 429: forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/39269-bell-429/
(05:25) 3. x737 Boeing 737-700: www.eadt.eu/index.php?x737-700-aircraft
x737 Boeing 737-800: www.eadt.eu/index.php?x737-800-aircraft
(07:46) 2. DC-3/C-47: forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/40334-awxdc3beta2_2xp11zip/
(08:18) 1. Lancair Legacy: forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/41357-lancair-legacy-fg/
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X Plane 11 Payware Aircraft Free

X Plane 11 Free Aircraft Downloads
Jump to Aircraft - Aircraft. Boeing 737-800/BBJ2 V5.4.0. Many virtual flyers will list. And for all X-Plane 10 and 11 users, the X737project team have made. New to X-Plane 11 and I am still learning. I intend to buy payware in the future of this game, but I was just wondering if anybody knows of any good freeware models for X-plane 11 at the moment? If you enjoy modding things, consider things like the dataref plugin (which doesn't work in X-Plane 11 atm) and XLua. A Google search will bring up a heap of videos detailing decent plugins which are, in 90% of cases, free to download.