Rssb Rwanda Website

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Rssb rwanda website siteBy Shyaka Kanuma

The Rwanda Social Security Board (RSSB) now invites by the present Invitation Tender all interested companies to submit their bids for removing asbestos sheets from RSSB branches and renovation in separate lots; companies are allowed to submit their bids to all lots but only one will be given.

Thomas & Piron Grands Lacs, a well-known, Kigali-based construction firm is faced with the real possibility of going bankrupt no later than this month. The firm, which has been in Rwanda for close to twelve years, owes Rwanda Revenue Authority Frw 1.1 billion in un-cleared tax arrears for the past year, and the tax collector will proceed to attach all its property and later auction it off to recover what its owed. The construction firm also owes bankers and a few local subcontractors a lot of money.

The only thing that can save Thomas & Piron GL at this stage - according to officials of the firm we interviewed extensively - is if Rwanda Social Security Board moves quickly to pay at least part of a Frw 6.9 billion bill Thomas & Piron say it is owed for work done on Grand Pension Plaza, RSSB's showcase high-rise building in central Kigali. 'Our company has a turnover of Frw 10 billion per year,' Coralie Piron, CEO of Thomas & Piron GL wrote in a letter to RSSB Director General Angelique Kantengwa on 19 September 2012. 'It is impossible for a company like ours producing 10 billion per year to continue operations with an unpaid amount exceeding 60 percent of production.' Behringer manuals download.


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