Pokemon Platinum Rom Mediafire
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Pokémon Kalos Advance !! Gba Hack
Pokemon Rom Hack with multiple choices. Searched everywhere for the download link of Pokemon Bloody Platinum(created by Buffy) but all of them have been taken down. Atif aslam audio songs. Pokemon go because it won t work, Pokemon go i0o, Views pokemon, Pokemon go gnarly, Pokemon gold vs red battle, Pokemon heart gold rom mediafire, We. Pokemon Platinum Version USA English rom The 3rd installment of the Pokemon series Diamond and Pearl is the game called Pokemon Platinum. At this point in time, you can only find the Japanese version in the market.
Posted February 5th, 2019
Name: Pokémon Light Platinum
Creator: WesleyFG
Base: Pokémon Ruby
Language: English
Status: Complete
Two New Regions, Zhery and Lauren
Two New League for each Region
Pokémon from IV and V Gen
New Sprite for all Pokémon
New Sprite for all Trainer
New Maps
New Tilesets for all Maps
Headbut Tree

Safari Zone (Field, Swamp, Snow, Desert)
World Championship
Rivals and Heroes
Zhery Gym Leaders
Lauren Gym Leader
For Pokemon - Ruby Version (U) (V1.0) [!]
Google Drivehttps://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwHk5I5TAzMjdEh2czk1djk4ME0/view
For Pokemon - Ruby Version (U) (V1.1) [!]
Pokemon Platinum Rom Download
Google Drivehttps://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwHk5I5TAzMjMDBzS2NRcTRCQ0k/viewMega.nzhttps://mega.nz/#!N1N3wYBZ!xAFxax5FB-IQOH2NobVINm3Q2fe9JaVzeBqj0ryloP8

- Wah Hack, Myutsu, Pokécommunity, for the support
- Peyi, Kyledove, Zelda, GSC platinum,Alistair, Saurav, Shiny Lugia, Dewity for the some Tiles edited by me.
- thethethe's, Lu-oH, Zel, Serg!o, Xiros, Mastermind_X, for they begin the hacking pokémon and to all the creators of tools.
- Ruka Prince and Ash493,Snakebyte for translated the rom of English version
- Pokemon Light Platinum+.ips 6.65 MB, 9614 viewsToggle Dropdown
My Devianart:http://wesleyfg.deviantart.com/
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/wesleyfgweb1