Watch Avatar The Last Airbender Season 3
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If you feel discouraged to watch this show because of the age it was created for, know that everyone can take something away from it. Throughout my teens, I've occasionally come back to watch. I'm still a teenager now (17 to be exact), and I've had a lot to think about concerning my future. Watch Avatar: The Last Airbender Season 3 on 123movies: Weeks after the fall of the Earth Kingdom, Aang and his friends must infiltrate the Fire Nation. Katara meets her father for the first time in years.
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Katara and Sokka make a startling discovery while fishing: a boy frozen in an iceberg, perfectly preserved and -- amazingly -- alive.
An accident results in Aang's expulsion from the Southern Water Tribe, and the villagers soon find themselves beset by sinister Prince Zuko.
Aang returns to his childhood temple, hoping to find evidence that his people still thrive in the region, but he makes a shocking discovery.
Aang, Sokka and Katara go to the island of Kyoshi, where they receive a chilly reception. After Aang proves he's the Avatar, he becomes a celebrity.
Sokka and Katara must again indulge Aang when he drags them to the Earth Kingdom city of Omashu, another favorite haunting ground of his youth.
Aang and the others find an Earth Kingdom mining town under the thumb of the Fire Nation, and Katara feels guilty when her actions lead to an arrest.
Aang takes on the task of defending a town from an interdimensional monster, but his untested skills and uncertainty could prove the town's undoing.
During the winter solstice, Aang must travel into the Fire Nation -- which wants to capture him -- to communicate with his predecessor, Avatar Roku.
While teaching Aang about waterbending, Katara realizes her skills are inadequate. Luckily, she comes across a waterbending scroll at a boutique.
A band of rebel guerillas with a charming, roguish leader rescues Aang, Sokka and Katara as they're fleeing the Fire Nation's minions.
Arriving at a giant gorge, Aang and his friends encounter two feuding refugee groups fighting over the right to cross the abyss.
When Aang, Katara and Sokka find themselves broke, Katara urges Sokka to take a fishing job. But the plan goes awry when the angler recognizes Aang.
With Sokka and Katara still ailing from the effects of the storm, Aang must find some frozen frogs to cure his cohorts.
Aang, Sokka and Katara come across a village that's dependent on its resident fortune-teller, who has reliably predicted its future for generations.
Aang acts childish during a reunion between Sokka, Katara and a longtime friend. Fearing that Sokka and Katara will desert him, Aang betrays them.
Aang and the others slip into a Fire Nation town so he can observe firebending firsthand. But their plans go quickly wrong, and they must seek refuge.
On their continuing journey north, Aang and the others hear rumors about a surviving band of airbenders, requiring a visit to the Northern Air Temple.
After going to the home of the Northern Water Tribe, Aang and Katara search for a waterbending master, and Sokka becomes smitten with a princess.
After hunting his prey halfway around the world, Adm. Zhao zeroes in on Aang's location and prepares to lay siege to the entire Northern Water Tribe.
As Adm. Zhao's army continues its assault on the beleaguered Northern Water Tribe, Sokka, Katara and Yue try to retrieve Aang from the spirit world.
Aang and the group meet an Earth Kingdom general who wants to use Aang's powerful 'Avatar State' as a weapon to defeat the Fire Nation.
On their way to Omashu, the kids become lost in the treacherous 'Cave of Two Lovers.
Aang enters Omashu so he can learn Earthbending from King Bumi, but the city is in the hands of the Fire Nation.
When the kids end up in a mysterious and strange swamp, their fears are exposed.
Aang must clear up a wave of anti-Avatar sentiment and atone for something he did in the past.
Aang discovers a possible Earthbending mentor at an underground tournament.
Traveling without Uncle now, Zuko wanders alone into an Earth Kingdom town where he bonds with a local boy.
As the kids are pursued relentlessly by a mysterious machine, their exhaustion puts them at each other's throats.
When Aang struggles with a block while trying to learn Earthbending from Toph, he wonders if the problem is with him or his teacher.
A professor leads the kids to a spirit library in the middle of the desert, where Sokka hopes to discover secrets to use against the Fire Nation.
Aang searches for Appa, while Katara struggles to keep everyone together so they can survive in the vast desert.
Leaving the desert for Ba Sing Se, Suki and friends guide Earth Kingdom refugees through a treacherous pass. Meanwhile, Zuko meets a new friend, Jet.
Artcam pro. At the outer wall of Ba Sing Se, the gang faces the Fire Nation army, while Jet becomes suspicious of Zuko and Iroh, whose cover might be blown.
Aang and the kids finally arrive in Ba Sing Se to see the Earth King, only to find mysterious forces within the city conspiring to stop them.
This series of short stories highlights different characters and their individual adventures in the city of Ba Sing Se.
In this special episode, we go back in time to the moment Appa was stolen.
While searching for Appa, the kids run into Jet but are torn about whether to trust him or not. Meanwhile, Zuko also hunts for Appa.
The kids battle Long Feng and the Dai Li when they attempt to show the Earth King the vast conspiracy taking place in his city.
A guru at the Eastern Air Temple helps Aang take the next step in his Avatar journey. Sokka meets his long lost father.
Azula takes control of the Dai Li. Zuko is forced to make a fateful choice, leading to a battle that endangers Aang and all of his friends.
After sustaining serious injuries at the end of Season 2, Aang awakens to find himself aboard a Fire Nation ship. Meanwhile, Zuko journeys home.
To better camouflage themselves as real Fire Nation citizens, the kids check out a Fire Nation school. Also, Zuko confronts Uncle.
When the gang comes to a suffering fishing village, a mysterious spirit appears to help the villagers.
When Sokka feels he's not contributing enough to the group, he seeks out a mysterious master to teach him the ways of the sword.
Zuko, Azula, Mai and Ty Lee go on vacation, where they learn a lot about themselves and each other. Meanwhile, the kids face a new enemy.
Aang and Zuko are given insight into their forefathers' pasts -- but how does the tale of Roku and Sozin matter to them now?
When Toph discovers a quick way to make cash, Katara disapproves, and the rift between them has disastrous consequences.
The kids investigate mysterious disappearances in a spooky town. Katara makes a special connection.
On the eve of the eclipse, Aang's anxiety gets the better of him. His dreams become nightmares, and soon he can no longer tell dream from reality.

With the eclipse almost upon them, the kids prepare to invade the Fire Nation.
While the forces siege the capital of the Fire Nation, the kids help Aang find the Fire Lord before the eclipse. But they're met with surprises..
When our gang regroups at the Western Air temple, they find someone there they weren't expecting.
When it comes time for Zuko to teach Aang Firebending, the two set out to learn the true meaning of Firebending from the original teachers.
Sokka and Zuko head toward the best-guarded prison in the Fire Nation, the Boiling Rock, hoping to find and break out the invading forces.
Sokka and Zuko have to revise their escape plan when something goes wrong. They end up receiving help from unexpected places.
Katara sets out to confront the Fire Nation soldier who killed her mother. But what will she do when she finds him?
The kids see a play about themselves and all their past adventures. But they aren't happy with the production.
The kids get some new information on Fire Lord Ozai's master plan and decide to attack earlier than planned. Will Aang be ready?
When Fire Lord Ozai puts his master plan in action, the group tries to stop him. Meanwhile, Aang seeks advice from his past lives.
In the final battle, Zuko faces Azula and Aang finally confronts the Fire Lord.

In the final battle, Zuko faces Azula and Aang finally confronts the Fire Lord.
Watch Avatar The Last Airbender Season 3 Ep 1
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Sozin's Comet, Part 4: Avatar Aang
Season 3, Episode 21
July 19, 2008
Conclusion. Aang struggles to defeat Ozai without killing him, but the Fire Lord shows no such mercy in the battle.
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Sozin's Comet, Part 3: Into the Inferno
Season 3, Episode 20
July 19, 2008
Part 3 of 4. Zuko battles his sister with Katara's help for the right to be named Fire Lord. Elsewhere, Aang meets Ozai just as the comet arrives.
Sozin's Comet, Part 2: The Old Masters
Season 3, Episode 19
July 19, 2008
Part 2 of 4. Aang seeks advice from past avatars as a fight to free the Earth Kingdom begins under the guidance of Zuko's uncle and his fellow old masters.
Sozin's Comet Part 1: The Phoenix King
Season 3, Episode 18
July 19, 2008
Part 1 of 4. Aang learns of the Fire Lord's plans for the day of the comet from Zuko, who pushes him to train harder. Meanwhile, Ozai proclaims himself the Phoenix King and leaves the Fire nation in Azula's hands.
The Ember Island Players
Season 3, Episode 17
July 18, 2008
A play recounting the gang's adventures does not sit well with Aang and his friends.
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The Southern Raiders
Season 3, Episode 16
July 17, 2008
Katara decides to confront the Fire Nation soldier responsible for her mother's death.
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The Boiling Rock
Season 3, Episode 15
July 16, 2008
Conclusion. Zuko and Sokka run into trouble on their mission to Boiling Rock and find help from unlikely sources.
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The Boiling Rock
Season 3, Episode 14
July 16, 2008
Part 1 of 2. A mission to rescue the invasion force from Boiling Rock is led by Zuko and Sokka.
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The Firebending Masters
Season 3, Episode 13
July 15, 2008
Zuko begins to teach Aang how to fire bend, but both learn lessons about the element from the past when they seek out the original masters.
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The Western Air Temple
Season 3, Episode 12
July 14, 2008
The gang regroup in the Western Air Temple after their defeat and are surprised at who is waiting for them there.
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The Day of Black Sun: The Eclipse
Season 3, Episode 11
November 30, 2007
Conclusion. Aang discovers the Fire Lord is hiding in the mountain, but he is stalled by Azula on his way there and misses his opportunity to attack during the eclipse. Meanwhile, Zuko confronts his father.
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The Day of Black Sun: The Invasion
Season 3, Episode 10
November 30, 2007
Part 1 of 2. The invasion into the Fire Nation gets underway and appears to go as planned, but when Aang reaches the castle, the Fire Lord is nowhere to be found, leading to the realization that the invasion was not a surprise and the troops have walked into a trap.
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Nightmares and Daydreams
Season 3, Episode 9
November 16, 2007
Aang begins to have nightmares on the eve of the eclipse and his anxiety gets the better of him.
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The Puppetmaster
Season 3, Episode 8
November 9, 2007
In a Halloween installment, the gang looks into strange disappearances in a spooky town.
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The Runaway
Season 3, Episode 7
November 2, 2007
Katara and Toph clash over how to make money, leaving the group dangerously vulnerable.
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The Avatar and the Firelord
Season 3, Episode 6
October 26, 2007
Apr 15, 2018 - Download Latest MP3 Naat Hasbi Rabbi Jallallah by Hafiz Ahmed Raza Qadri. offers New 2018 Naats. Lyrics of Naat Hasbi. Hasbi Rabbi Jallallah Naat Lyrics Hasbi Rabbi Jallallah ma fi Qalbi Ghairullah Noor e Muhammad Sallallah Laa-ilaha Illallah Tere sadqay mein Aqaa.
Aang and Zuko gain insight into their forefathers' pasts with the tale of Roku and Sozin.
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The Beach
Season 3, Episode 5
October 19, 2007
Zuko and the Fire Nation gang take a break at the beach, where they learn more about each other.
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Sokka's Master
Season 3, Episode 4
October 12, 2007
Sokka looks for a sword master so he can learn better fighting techniques and contribute more to the group.
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The Painted Lady
Season 3, Episode 3
October 5, 2007
A fishing village is helped by a mysterious spirit.
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The Headband
Season 3, Episode 2
September 28, 2007
Aang enrolls in a Fire Nation school to help the gang blend in. Elsewhere, Zuko confronts Uncle.
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The Awakening
Season 3, Episode 1
September 21, 2007
Aang awakens from his injuries aboard a Fire Nation ship in the Season 3 opener. Meanwhile, Zuko returns to his home.
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(Jesse Costa/WBUR) Global auto parts supplier Delphi on Tuesday announced it's acquired Boston-based nuTonomy, a self-driving car software company, for about $450 million. 'The acquisition of nuTonomy and bringing them in really helps us accelerate our scale and our expansion of capabilities,' De Vos said. Delphi cars 2017. A key component of the plan is the city-state of Singapore, where both Delphi and nuTonomy are already testing autonomous vehicles. And Glen De Vos, Delphi's chief technology officer, says to win this market, the company has to move fast. Under the deal, the number of employees at Delphi working on self-driving cars will roughly double, to 200.
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